High Q Dental

E O S Micro Led Headlight

Introducing: EOS, Our lightest, brightest, portable headlight to date. Built to last, designed for comfort and favorably priced, the EOS directs exceptional, variable intensity into your field of view.
At only .4 ounce, the only way you’ll know the EOS is there is by the light in the field.
Give EOS a try and see what you may be missing.


SMstdClip.jpg HIQ 4600 EOS on Standard Clip
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight on Standard Clip for use with TTL Loupes, Eyeglasses and Protective Eyewear.

SMoroSurg.jpg HIQ 4601 EOS on Orascoptic Clip
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight mounts to Orascoptic Flip-Up Loupes

SMoroSurg.jpg HIQ 4602 EOS on Surgitel Clip
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight for use with Surgitel Flip-Up Loupes.

SMzeiss.jpg HIQ 4603 EOS on Zeiss Clip
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight with mount for Zeiss Loupes Flip-Up Loupes.

EOSHeadband HIQ 4604 EOS on Headband
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight mounted on headband.

EOSKeeler HIQ 4605 EOS for Keeler Loupes
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight for Keeler Loupes.

HIQ 4607 EOS on Headband with extended linkage
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight on Headband with Extended Link. Works well with Flip-Up Loupes.

SMbp.jpg HIQ 4610 EOS Battery Pack
Replacement Battery Pack for use with the EOS 3-watt LED Headlight System.

SMchgr.jpg HIQ 4611 EOS Charger
Replacement Charger for the EOS Battery Pack.

SMflexEOS.jpg HIQ-4609 EOS on Flex Headband
Small, unobtrusive with brilliant intensity: EOS 3-watt Portable LED Headlight on Flex Headband.

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